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Devorah Harow, PT

Founder of Beit Roga and Chief Practitioner

I opened Beit Roga, Center for Healthier Living, to

empower more people to be aware of their state of health and the profound effects relaxation and exercise have on their overall wellbeing.  I received my BA in Biology with a minor in Psychology from Yeshiva University's Stern College for Women.  I received my degree in Physical Therapy from New York University.  I have graduated from three levels of training in CranioBalance Therapy at the Cranial Health institute in Jerusalem and, in addition, am a certified instructor in CranioBalance Therapy.  I received my Diploma in Flower Essences in 2015, and have a full range of Flower Essences - Beit Roga Gardens - that I created right here, in Beit Roga's garden. I have worked in health clinics and at home since 2002, and founded Beit Roga in 2012. 

In 2022, I realized Beit Roga's message and my personal work had shifted - from being all about relaxation, to being all about EMPOWERMENT. I now call Beit Roga the Center for Empowered Living. My healing sessions and programs are geared to helping people rediscover their inner power, to live empowered and intuitively driven lives.


My Belief

To help my clients and followers rediscover their inner power. By reclaiming one's own power, we live authentic lives - true to self, true to G-d - and therein lies healing, fulfillment, and happiness. When we are living in our power, we follow our truth. Following intuitive guidance - that which resonates as truth for us - is the easiest, calmest way to live. Surrendering to G-d's plan.
True calm is achieved when we are in full alignment with that Higher plan. Recognizing our dreams, what we were brought here to do, and then doing it - that brings us to our highest state of health and well being. 
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