Aug 30, 2015
On Moving
An end of the summer/back to school special. So you are all expecting part 2 of the Leslie story, and if you want, I will publish it...

Aug 23, 2015
Leslie, Part 1
PreScript: I wrote this blog a year ago, a few weeks after I met Leslie. It has been waiting for the right time to be published, and now...

Aug 16, 2015
On Resistance
How often do you come across a situation you really don’t want to be in, or have an occasion you really don’t want to go to, and as you...

Aug 9, 2015
On Organization
There have been requests coming in for tips on being organized and efficient. With the summer half-way over and people getting organized...

Aug 3, 2015
Self-Preservation and Miracles
Here is a story. I am not sure what lessons will come from it at the end of this blog. For now, I just know I need to tell it. Let’s...

Jul 26, 2015
Reflections of Light
As I sit here contemplating the sadness of the Fast of the Ninth of Av, the day that both Temples were destroyed, a thought comes up...

Jul 19, 2015
My Flower
Meet my flower. This flower grew out of our porch tiles, and we woke up one morning to her bright face popping up to say hello. And I...

Jul 12, 2015
Oh, Bother
So, last week’s blog was all about life lessons learned from trauma. Go home and love you family; Be present. This week, more lessons...

Jul 5, 2015
Go Home and Love Your Family
I have never done this before, but there is just so much to say today, so I am putting out a double blog. Some of you have been following...

Jul 5, 2015
Bleeding Hearts
As many of you know, this has been a very difficult and trying week for me, my family, my community, and my country. Last Sunday, I was...