Oct 26, 2014
Well, this blog is all about Grandma Annie. Grandma Annie, may she rest in peace, is my maternal grandmother. She was and is the...

Oct 23, 2014
Hand Out The Hugs
On the Dawn of Another National Tragedy This is sunrise this morning. The beauty and captivating awesomeness of the colors, of watching...

Oct 19, 2014
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Last night, I don’t remember at which point – whether it was bedtime, or one of the other two times I was lying with my three year old...

Oct 12, 2014
On Nature
I love the outdoors. It’s in my blood, this love for nature. It comes from my father, and my maternal grandmother. The ability to...

Oct 5, 2014
Knee-Jerk Reactions
So, there are different ways we respond to the challenges that come up in life. Knee-jerk reactions. This is not necessarily the way we...
Oct 2, 2014
This is a special edition blog, inspired by the coming of Yom Kippur, the High Holy Days’ fast, and the beginning of Autumn. This time...