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Lower Chakra Series #2

Lower Chakra Series #2


This set of essences is for those who are looking for a deeper dive in clearing and healing their Lower Chakras (1-3). 

Bottlebrush is a cleanser of the Root Chakra, bringing balance to the lower digestive system, as well as clearing out emotional Root Chakra issues (ie issues with mother or motherhood, security and safety, knowledge of being worthy of your place in this world). Orange-Pink Mini Petunia encourages self acceptance and a healthy sense of self knowledge and esteem. Sunshine essence is a powerful cleanser and strengthener of the Solar Plexus chakra, bringing the strong sure energy of the Sun to your inner core.

  • Details

    This is the second set of Lower Chakra healing essences. It is recommended to use them after you have done the healing involved with the first set. 

    All bottles in this set are Dosage strength, 30 ml.

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